The third season of the Joint Archaeobotanical Project at Shahr-i Sokhta lasted from 13 January to 3 February 2005. The National Museum of Oriental Art and the Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (IsIAO) sponsor the project for the Italian side, and the Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization (ICHTO) for the Iranian one. The work was mainly focused on the recovery, analysis and study of plant material from the tombs excavated by the Iranian team directed and co ordinated by Dr S.M.S. Sajjadi. During this season, the French team, Dr M. Casanova (director; University Rennes 2), Ms M. Cotty, Mr B. Mutin, Ms C. Theiller (archaeologists), Ms Z. Shirazi (archaeobotanist), Ms C. Populaire (archaeologist, surveyor), conducted its operations in Sector 7, the Western edge of the Craftsmen's Zone (Western Industrial Zone). Dr E. Fouache (geomorphologist; University Paris XII) and Dr C. Cosandey (hydrologist; CNRS) began a preliminary investigation for the study of the ancient environment.
University of Salento in Lecce (Italy) sponsered the fifteenth and sixteenth seasons of joint archeological project at shahr i sokhta and the director of Italian team was Prof. Enrico Ascalone. The first approach dealt with some preliminary activities. Digital photogrammetry carried out by the team of Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry (LabTAF) of the University of Salento, Lecce (Italy). Zooarchaeological Studies carried out by Claudia Minniti to develop the study of animal assemblages found at Shahr-i Sokhta collected in the archaeological campaigns by Iranian archaeological mission. Anthropological Studies held by Pier Francesco Fabbri that surveyed the palaeo-anthropological finds, about 750 graves, curated in the deposits near the site.
International campaign in 2004
International campaign of Shahr i Sokhta in November 2006
International campaign of Shahr i Sokhta in November 2007
International campaign of Shahr i Sokhta in 2019